Metal/carbon Composites: Precursors for Obtaining New Sorbents-Catalysts
V. Gutsanu, O. Petuhov, A-M. Ipate, G. Lisa, M. Botnaru
Том 85 №6
727 просмотров;
Obtaining new sorbents-catalysts with selective properties is of particular interest. A series of metal/activated carbon composites with sorption and catalytic properties has been obtained and studied: AC-Mn1, AC-Mn2, AC-Mn1S, AC-Mn2S, AC-Cu1, AC-Co1, and AC-0. The composites were obtained from local raw materials by the hydrothermal method. SEM EDX methods were used to determine the morphology of the particles of compounds in the carbon phase and the average elemental composition of the surface. The detection of crystalline phases and functional groups of the organic compounds in the samples was carried out with XRD method and FT-IR spectroscopy, respectively. The thermal stability of the researched materials was performed thermogravimetrically in the temperature range 20-700oC. All analyzed samples have a good thermal stability; the decomposition in air atmosphere begins at temperatures higher than 240°C. The physicochemical and sorption characteristics of the materials were studied by N2 sorption at -196°C. The tests have shown that the studied composites have the ability to transform (remove) nitrite ions in solution.