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Заведующая редакцией Коллоидного журнала, Анна Андреевна Куделина

Design and Simulation of an Electroosmotically-induced Micromixer with Identical Circular Barriers Using Electrokinetic Effects

Elnaz. Poorreza

Том 87 №2

Micromixers represent microchannel devices that promote effective fluid integration within a constrained spatial domain and a specified flow pathway. The mechanism of induced-charge electroosmosis has garnered substantial attention from the microfluidics scholarly community over the past decade. In this study, an electroosmotically actuated micromixer amalgamates two disparate fluids that enter through individual inlets into a unified channel measuring 15 μm in width and 80 μm in length, respectively. A sinusoidal electric potential, with a peak value of 0.1 V at a frequency of 8 hertz, is applied across the electrodes. To enhance the operational efficacy of the micromixer, 45 uniform circular barriers are integrated within the microchannel. According to the simulation outcomes, the micromixer attains an exemplary mixing efficiency nearing 0.97 and exhibits promising potential applications across a diverse array of fields, including biochemistry and biomedical sciences.